The recent controversy surrounding a Filipino Gold Olympian and his mother sheds light on the toxic culture of entitlement in Filipino families. As the issue unravels, it is revealed that the mother’s disappointment and hurt towards her son stem from disagreements over money and his relationship choices. This situation has sparked an intense debate among netizens about the ingrained belief that children owe their parents everything, including financial support. But where did this mindset come from? Is it a cultural norm or a misguided belief? In my opinion, this toxic culture is deeply rooted in the traditional Filipino values of filial piety and respect for elders, which have been taken to extreme lengths. It is time for us to examine and challenge these beliefs and strive for healthier parent-child relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.
Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that the Bible teaches us to love and honor our parents. However, it also warns parents not to provoke their children to anger. This means that while children have a moral obligation to love and respect their parents, parents also have a responsibility to nurture and guide their children with love and understanding.
In the case of the Gold Olympian’s mother, it is possible that she may have failed to fulfill her role as a loving and supportive parent while her son was growing up. Perhaps she saw her son’s athletic talents as a means to fulfill her own needs and desires rather than focusing on his well-being as a child. And now that he has achieved success and fame, she feels entitled to reap the benefits and financial rewards.
Secondly, we must remember the universal principle of sowing and reaping. Whatever we plant in our relationships, we will eventually harvest. If parents sow love, understanding, and support towards their children, it will be reciprocated without them having to demand it. On the other hand, if parents sow manipulation, guilt-tripping, and unrealistic expectations on their children, they will eventually reap resentment and distance in their relationship.
Moreover, it is important for parents to recognize that their children do not belong to them. Yes, they came from you and you have raised them with love and care. But children are not possessions that can be controlled and manipulated. They are individuals with their own dreams, goals, and choices. It is not fair for parents to demand their children to fulfill their unmet dreams or responsibilities.
Parents should also learn to be content with the life that their spouse has given them. It is not the responsibility of their children to fill in the gaps or make up for what their spouse couldn’t provide. Children should not feel burdened or guilty for something that they have no control over.
Furthermore, respect should always be present in any parent-child relationship. No matter how old a child is, they are still deserving of respect from their parents. This includes respecting their choices in life, especially when it comes to who they love. Parents should refrain from interfering in their adult child’s relationships or manipulating them into making certain decisions. This only causes strain and resentment in the relationship.
Lastly, parents should also learn to keep private matters within the family and not use their “mom” or “dad” card to gain sympathy from others. Sharing personal issues on social media only adds fuel to the fire and creates unnecessary drama and attention.
Children are individuals who deserve love, support, and respect from their parents. As for the son and his mother’s rift, let us hope that they can resolve their issues and move forward with a healthier and more understanding relationship. And for all parents out there, let us remember that our children are not our property but precious gifts from God. It is our responsibility to nurture and guide them with love and respect, not manipulate and demand from them.